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Foreign Language



Our Foreign Language program exposes students to other languages and 文化s, and inspires them to become more globally aware and sensitive. Whether she's studying French, 西班牙语, 或普通话, our ultimate aim is for her to be proficient in interpretive communication (reading and 听); interpersonal communication (写作 and speaking); and presentational communication (写作 and speaking).

We strive to expose students to the target language at all times through an immersion approach. Students learn in an environment that emphasizes participation, 创造力, and a tolerance for diversity.

Technology also plays an important role, as students can work on 语言实验室 在课外时间,这使他们能够使用来自非英语语言主导国家的各种媒体.

我们的外语教师是母语人士或在他们的语言地区生活和学习的专家. Thanks to the flexibility of an independent curriculum, we design our courses according to faculty talent and student need. 加速选项以西班牙语和法语2级和3级荣誉课程以及AP西班牙语的形式提供.

picture of students in front of the Eiffel tower in Paris

Our student-led International Club, 法国俱乐部, 西班牙语 Club and Chinese Club help promote cross-cultural sensitivity. 十大彩票平台's International Dinner and Talent Show is an annual festivity.

对于一个学生来说,没有比使用一门语言更好的方法来巩固她的语言知识了. 每年我们都为学生提供访问法语和西班牙语国家的机会. 在2019-2020年,我们将访问魁北克市,魁北克和阿根廷阿罗约. 

The international students in the residential program (in 2019-20 from Bahamas, 加拿大, 中国, 法国, 德国, 肯尼亚和南非. Korea) present a unique opportunity for students to practice new language skills.

Departmental Requirements: 3 years in target language.

Language Department Chair: Isabelle Fisher


Course Descriptions

包括选修课,虽然不是所有的选修课都是每年或每三个月提供. 学生还可以通过十大彩票平台的会员资格参加额外的选修课程和ap课程 Online School for Girls.



